Custom Plugin Tools

Integrate your favorite tools to enhance the registration experience.

The online journey

Enhance your registration journey with various tools

Info Salons plugin tools

Info Salons plugin tools

Use one of our many plugin tools that can easily fit into your events registration journey

Your own plugin tools

Your own plugin tools

Got your own accounts or tools? We can get them connected with ease

Plugin tools built for ease of use!
Plugin tools built for ease of use!
All our plugin tools are built to allow your registrants to benefit from our services by providing them with multiple solutions for their needs.

Some of the tools that we offer:

Integrate useful tools that will surely enhance the registration experience.

WhatsApp Registration Confirmation (Coming soon...)

Send confirmation emails or print at home badges via WhatsApp

WhatsApp Chatbot customer support (Coming soon...)

Provide first line customer support via WhatsApp chatbot.

SMS Registration Confirmation

Send SMS confirmations to your registrants or maybe you would want to be alerted when specific people show up at your event?

Print at home badges

Empowering people to print their badges at home and gain instant access to the event. No queuing required.

Seating plan

Seating plan arrangement for registrants to choose their seats while registering

Mobile number validation

Send an OTP to ensure you are capturing accurate mobile numbers

Our Customers

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